Carbohydrates are organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates behave differently in the body, depending on their individual molecular structure. Most carbs turn into blood sugar (glucose) when they are digested. Those carbs provide approximately 4 calories per gram. Other carbohydrates, however, do not turn into glucose when digested. Those are most commonly known as polyols. Still other carbs, like fiber, simply pass through our bodies as waste. Therefore, only carbohydrates that are used by the body are counted as Net Carbs.
Your body burns carbs for energy and stores the excess carbs as fat. The fewer carbs you eat, especially white flour and sugar, allows your body to begin burning fat as its primary fuel source.
On a low carb diet, such as the Atkins Diet, you eat lean protein and vegetables and other good carbs, such as high fiber fruits, nuts and whole grains. Your body starts burning fat instead of carbs.
On the Atkins Diet, you count Net Carbs, which means the total carbohydrate content of the food minus the fiber content. The Net Carb number reflects the grams of carbohydrate that impact your blood sugar level. Net Carbs are the only carbs you need to count on the Atkins Diet.
The Julian Bakery offers a perfect bread for low carb dieters. SMART CARB #1. They use whole grain that is ground fresh daily in their unique formula, making it a complete protein LOW CARB BREAD. This bread is extremely high in fiber and protein and has a net of 1 carb per slice.
There is no other bread like it on the market. It offers the perfect amount of daily fiber and protein - 12g of protein and 12g of fiber per slice. With only 1 Net Carb per slice, carb-conscious dieters do not have to sacrifice their longing for bread.
Check out SMART CARB #2 – CINNAMON ALMOND RAISIN. It is awesome toasted or used for French toast….OK…I use it for sandwiches too. I can’t say it is my favorite, since I have so many favorite Julian Bakery breads, but it is right up there at the top.
I hope you are enjoying their breads as much as I do and branch out once in a while and try a different loaf…like Manna from Heaven or Apple Cinnamon Raisin…yummy!!!
Julian Bakery offers such a variety of breads, each with its own texture and distinctive blending of flavors. I am sure you will find several favorites that you will want to be sure to have on hand at all times.
Enjoy, Samantha
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