Wednesday, June 3, 2009


If you are on a low carb diet and are hooked on Smart Carb #1 (which nets at only 1 carb), but would like a change of pace from time to time, Julian Bakery also offers Cinnamon Almond Raisin (AKA Smart Carb #2).

Cinnamon Almond Raisin is made with the same ingredients as Smart Carb #1, but with the addition of cinnamon, almonds and a light amount of raisins. It is sweet free and very high in fiber and protein. It’s a very yummy treat and nets at only 3 carbs.

Cinnamon Almond Raisin is full of whole grains, sprouted Kamut®, wheat, spelt, rye, millet, quinoa, amaranth (see definitions below), flax and sesame seeds, eggs, soy protein, oat bran, lentils, 7 grain flakes, almonds, cinnamon, a few raisins, yeast and sea salt.

Whole grains or foods made from them contain all essential parts and naturally occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed. If the grain has been processed (cracked, crushed, rolled, extruded, and/or cooked), the food product should deliver approximately the same rich balance of nutrients that are found in the original grain seed.

Sprouted Kamut®, the Ancient Grain, is a relative of modern Durum Wheat. Kamut® has a rich, buttery flavor and is higher in protein and many minerals (especially selenium, zinc, and magnesium) than other wheat products. It is easily digestible.

Wheat is any of various annual cereal grasses of the genus Triticum of the Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia, ground to produce flour used in breadstuffs and pasta.

Spelt is a nutritious ancient grain with a nut-like flavor. The texture is slightly crunchy. Spelt is an excellent source of vitamin B2, a very good source of manganese and a good source of niacin, thiamin and copper.

Rye is a grass grown as a grain. It is closely related to barley and wheat. Rye has a lower gluten content than wheat flour and contains a higher proportion of soluble fiber.

Millets are a group of small-seeded species of cereal crops or grains. Millets are a major food source in arid and semi arid regions around the world.

Quinoa is a species of goosefoot (chenopodium) and is a grain-like crop grown for its seeds. It is not a true cereal or grain, as it is not a grass. Quinoa is closely related to beets, spinach and tumbleweeds. Unlike wheat or rice, Quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids, making it an unusual complete protein. It is a good source of fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. It is gluten-free and easy to digest.

Amaranth is related to the pigweed or lamb’s quarters. Amaranth seeds contain protein that is unusually complex for plant sources. Several studies have shown that Amaranth seed or oil may be of benefit for those with cardio vascular disease and hypertension. Regular consumption may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving antioxidants.

So when you want to treat yourself to a little low carb variety, give Cinnamon Almond Raisin a try. You will love it as much as Smart Carb #1 and it is great as French toast as well!!!

Enjoy, Samantha